Visiting Information
From Monday, July 29th, visiting procedures will be by reservation only.
Conditions vary depending on the ward and inpatient department, so be sure to check the details below.
* Visiting procedures will be required.
* Reservations can be made from 3 days before the desired visiting date.
* Priority will be given to those who have paid the private room fee and those who have made an online reservation.
Visiting hours 14:00-16:30 (365 days) Visiting hours Total rooms 15 minutes Private rooms Please leave by 17:00. Visitors and number of people allowed Up to 3 people at a time (junior high school students and above) Reception locations Monday-Friday South Building 3rd floor Patient Support Center reception counter (opposite Family Mart)
Make a reservation in advance using your smartphone and come at the reserved time.
When the reserved time arrives, you will be called in order of your reservation number.
Please check in on the reservation screen and wait.
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays South Building 1st floor In front of the guard room -
Visiting hours 14:00-16:30 (365 days) Visiting time 15 minutes
*Please leave by 17:00.Visitors and number of people allowed Family members only
Up to 3 people at a time (junior high school students and above) -
Visiting hours 9:00-21:00 (365 days) - 14:00-16:30
Visiting in the hospital room
Visiting is limited to 2 hours at a time - 9:00-14:00, 16:30-21:00 *Advance reservation required (husband only)
Visiting in the ward consulting room
You will be able to visit in the room with your baby in a cot.
Visiting persons and number of people allowed Stage of labor - First stage of labor Up to 3 people allowed (no children under junior high school age)* Advance registration required
- Second stage of labor Up to 2 people allowed.
After delivery - Husband
- During regular visiting hours: Can enter the hospital room
- Outside of visiting hours: Up to 2 hours in the inner consultation room of Ward 8A
- Other than husband Follow regular visiting hours
Visiting with the baby will be through the window- For infection control reasons, only husbands are allowed to hold the baby.(Hand disinfection, mask and apron must be worn)
- Those who are not feeling well, suspected of having an infectious disease, or under the influence of alcohol are strictly prohibited from entering the room.
Reception location Monday to Friday 14:00-16:30
Patient Support Center reception counter, 3rd floor, South Building (opposite Family Mart)Weekends and holidays 1st floor, South Building, in front of the guard room Outside of visiting hours 1st floor, South Building, in front of the guard room - Please make a reservation in advance via smartphone during visiting hours.
- As a consideration to visiting restrictions for general hospitalized patients, once you have entered the interview room we ask that you do not leave until you have returned. Therefore, we ask that you please relieve yourself in the men's restrooms on the 1st or 3rd floor before coming up to the ward.
- 14:00-16:30
Visiting hours
(including reception)9:00-21:00 (365 days)
* Visits will be in the patient room.
* Please wear a mask at all times and practice thorough hand hygiene.
* Visits will not be allowed for those with unusual symptoms.
* Visiting restrictions may change depending on the infectious disease outbreak.Visitors and number of people allowed to visit Up to 3 people at a time: Family members aged 12 and over (including attendants) Regarding accompaniment - As a rule, a person accompanying the child is required to make the child feel safe.
- We ask that children be accompanied by someone while they are hospitalized, but if you are unable to do so, a nurse will look after them; however, there is a limit to the number of people who can be accommodated, so we will check whether this is possible before proceeding.
- We will accommodate requests, such as accompaniment only at night.
- Only one person is allowed (parents and grandparents, up to three people can take turns at any time)
- People accompanying the child will have their temperature taken once a day (at the time of the change if there is a shift) + if they have symptoms, their temperature will be taken each time.
If they have a fever or any unusual symptoms, we will ask them to cooperate with testing based on the hospital rules. - Beds for the people accompanying the child are available to rent (for a fee) (futons etc. are provided)
- People accompanying the child must prepare their own meals.
- This does not apply in the case of a critical emergency. * Reception area for after-hours visits in the case of a critical emergency, etc.
- Bringing alcohol, tobacco, and other dangerous items into the hospital is strictly prohibited. If discovered, we may even dispose them of.
- Visits may be refused depending on the epidemic situation and the patient's condition.
- Please refrain from visiting if the patient is feeling unwell or under the influence of alcohol.
We will check the patient's health condition when accepting visitors.(See attached sheet)
Visiting procedures
- Our hospital has implemented a security system for accessing the elevators to the wards.
- After completing the visiting procedures, please take the visiting tag.
- Please attach the visiting tag to a visible part of your clothing.
- Only those with the visiting tag will be allowed to enter the ward.
- Please inform each ward of your visit by using the intercom on the ward floor.
* Please discard the visiting tag after leaving the building.

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